Ein Entertainment-Weekly-Leser fragt die Filmkritikerin Lisa Schwarzbaum:

How do critics who are years older than the target audience get inside the heads of teenagers and young adults?

Diese antwortet:

I don’t think the job of any critic is to get inside anybody’s cranium – not that of teens, chicks, comic-book fanboys, not even of middle-aged art-house regulars who never miss a Finnish gem by Aki Kaurismäki. Rather, I think a good critic needs to be able to analyze what a movie is trying to do and then assess how well it fullfills its aims – a job for which movie-going experience beyond young adulthood is necessary.

Eine weise, wahre Aussage. Gültig auch für alle anderen Mediengattungen.


2 Responses to “A good critic”

  1. Schlunz on January 19th, 2007 0:17

    …zum Beispiel Spielekritiker? ;)

  2. ro on January 19th, 2007 0:40

    Natürlich. Spiele sind ein Medium wie alle anderen auch.

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